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Dogs in the Parks

Buckinghamshire Country Parks are dog friendly and welcome responsible dog owners.

We share our parks with a variety of wildlife and we ask our visitors to respect our habitats, wildlife and other visitors. We ask that you keep your dog under close control everywhere in the park and pop your dog on a lead in the designated areas. Remember other visitors, especially small children, may not enjoy a dogs attention the way you do or may even feel threatened by a dog off the lead bounding up to them.  

If you can't keep your dog under close control you should keep your dog on a lead at all times. What do we mean by close control?

- keep your dog in sight at all times

- your dog should recall to you immediately on your command 

- bring a short lead with you so you can put your dog on the lead if necessary

- follow the on site signage regarding dog free and dogs on lead zones

Bagged dog waste can be disposed of in any of our bins. Dog mess if left can be harmful to people, livestock and wild animals.  do not hang your dog poo bags in the trees or leave them on the side of the paths, this is littering and has detrimental impacts to both the environment and the aesthetic value of the parks.

We regularly have livestock in areas of our parkland and on adjacent tenanted farmland. It is illegal for your dog to chase or worry livestock and as an owner you could be faced with a fine. As a responsible dog owner, you must have your dog kept under close control or on a lead. 

Dogs on leads areas in our parks are listed below - please pay attention to signage on site and ensure you have a lead with you

- Black Park Lakeside Family Zone

- Langley Park Café area, Temple Gardens and Arboretum

- For your dog's and your own safety please keep your dog on a lead in the car parks.

Dogs are not allowed in any of our play areas and we have 1 dog free picnic area in Black Park. Dogs are not allowed in the cafes, with the exception of Guide Dogs.


Parts of the Heathland in Black Park are designated an SSSI. This special habitat is home to ground nesting birds and adders. Dogs can easily scare off parent birds and leave their eggs vulnerable.  


What to do if you lose your dog in the park?

It is a legal requirement for all dogs to wear a collar with the owners name and address on it and to be microchipped. If your dog goes missing in the park, you should report it to DogLost ( who may be able to assist you. You can also report it to us on 01753 511060 during office hours.  Our rangers aren't able to search for lost dogs but we will take details from you and aim to reunite you with your pet.