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Park Projects

Find out about the current projects going on in the Country Parks. Check back regularly for updates. 

New Visitor Building at Black Park

Buckinghamshire Council is pleased to announce the building of a new café and toilet facilities at Black Park Country Park in south Buckinghamshire. Planning permission has been granted for a new café with indoor seating, an outside terrace, an external sales point for takeaway snacks and drinks, and improved toilet facilities. The new building, which has been self-financed by Buckinghamshire Country Parks, will enhance the park space and improve the facilities for visitors.


Clive Harriss, Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, said:


“I am delighted that we have the go ahead for the new facilities at Black Park Country Park. An indoor café near the car park will be a welcome addition to the park, giving visitors more options for catering in all weathers. In addition, the upgrades to the surrounding area and facilities will help to make the park even more enjoyable for everyone.


“Visitors to the park may notice some work starting in September, and we aim to open the new facilities in spring 2025.”


The new café will serve a variety of hot and cold drinks, meals and snacks, with catering provided by the park’s current catering company, San Remo. This will be in addition to the existing Lakeside Café – enhancing the catering offer within the park. Work will be ongoing from September 2024 - March 2025. San Remo currently have a catering trailer located next to Go Ape to serve visitors.


To find out more, visit our Black Park New Cafe Building page.

Denham Country Park HS2 Mitigation Project

Following the significant impact of HS2’s viaduct construction and associated works on Denham Country Park, Buckinghamshire Council has been awarded funding from HS2. We are working with contractors to use the funding to open up some of the wider areas of the park, improving public access through replacement of bridges and upgrading of paths. Habitat improvements are also underway to increase the biodiversity within the area through the creation of wetland areas, including ponds, scrapes and ditches, and the control of non-native invasive flora species.


This spring and summer, six pedestrian bridges will be replaced and approximately 1km of paths resurfaced, subject to weather conditions. Footpath diversions will be in place during these works. Further works to complete maintenance to existing ditches and tree works to improve the flow and storage of flood water will also take place in 2025. 

Help Our Heathland

Our heathland needs your help!


We're encouraging all our visitors to help protect our heathland by only using the main paths all year round. The heathland is home to a wide range of plants, birds, reptiles, mammals and insects.


Sticking to paths helps minimise disturbance to hibernating species in colder months and ground nesting birds warmer months. 


This will allow our heathland habitat and wildlife to thrive.



Ha Ha Wall Restoration in Langley Park

The Ha Ha wall at Langley has been progressing well.  Due to ecological considerations the wall rebuild could not start until the beginning of September.  The contractors demolished the existing collapsed section of walling before excavating the foundations, see image 1.  The new foundations and new walling have been designed by a specialist structural engineer, so that they can retain the existing soil bank and any localised tree roots.


The contractors proceed to concrete the foundations, see image 2 before installing a concrete block retaining wall that will sit behind the facing brickwork. The new wall has weep holes at set intervals to allow any water at the rear of the wall to escape, see images 3 & 4.  Unfortunately, work has ended abruptly due to a huge deluge of rain. The bottom of the Ha, Ha is now under water, see image 5.  The wall has now been covered in preparation for building the facing brickwork to resume next spring 2025

South Bucks Country Park

South Bucks Country Park (working title) is currently being developed on the site of the old Lanes Golf Academy. This 59 acre country park will offer local residents a wide range of new facilities and outdoor opportunities. It will include a Pay and Display car park, a new café, public toilet facilities, a new play area and a network of new countryside walks.